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Participant information is maintained in a volunteer database system and retained for future studies as they become available.
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The purpose of this research study is to have you try and rate the current product’s menthol flavor, new product and its menthol flavors, two other menthol-flavored e-cigarettes as well as your usual brand of combustible cigarettes. You will use one of each of these products for 20 minutes (one at each study visit). After the 20-minute product-use time, you will complete questionnaires based on the experience.
The maximum compensation you may receive without unscheduled visits is $825.
The main purpose of this study is to get feedback and input from smokers about different study e-cigarette products.
All of the e-cigarette products you would use as part of the study contain nicotine, therefore there are risks to taking part in this study. Some of the most likely risks of participation include:
If you are concerned about the health effects of e-cigarette use, do not participate in this study.
Your participation in this study will last about 2-3 weeks and will include 6 visits to the study center. The first visit will include some screening procedures and will take about 1-2 hours. All other study visits will last about 30-45 minutes.
You will be compensated for your time and inconvenience related to your participation in this study. If you do not complete the study, for any reason, you will be paid for the study visits you do complete according to the following schedule:
There will be no charge to you for your participation in this study. The e-cigarettes, study-related procedures, and study visits will be provided at no charge. You will be required to provide your usual brand cigarettes for the cigarette use visit.
Before agreeing to take part in this research study, it is important that you read and understand the proposed study.
The informed consent form describes the purpose, procedures, benefits, risks, discomforts, and precautions of the study. It also describes alternatives that are available to you and your right to withdraw from the study at any time.
Fill out our form below for more information. Participant information is maintained in a volunteer database system and retained for future studies as they become available. Pertinent information is confidentially kept on file to aid in selecting highly qualified candidates for research studies.
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