1. Open your eResearch app
  2. Select the hamburger icon in the top left corner
  3. Select appointments
  4. View any scheduled appointments
  1. Open your eResearch app
  2. Select the hamburger icon in the top left corner
  3. Select settings
  4. Select social linking
  5. Link desired account to eResearch
  1. Open the eResearch app
  2. Log in if account has already been created
  3. If you have not created an account, see “Activation Code” under the Help page
  4. Fill out demographic information so that it is 100% complete
  5. Fill out nicotine use information so that it is 100% complete
  6. Fill out health history information so that it is 100% complete
  1. Open your eResearch app
  2. Select the hamburger icon in the top left corner
  3. Select my profile
  4. scroll down to my payout method
  5. Select the payout method button
  6. Log in with paypal
  1. Make sure your mobile device is updated to reflect your current time zone.
  2. Open the eResearch app
  3. All timestamps should reflect your current time zone.
  4. If you travel between time zones while using the eResearch app, any time sensitive features should sync to your current local time zone.